Saturday, March 7, 2009

Twilight Fandom- Going out of hand?

Twilight. And no, I’m not talking about the time of the day before the sunsets. I’m just going to explain the latest mania by Stephenie Meyer for fan girls all over the world, just in case you’ve been living under a rock.

Bella Swan, a simple, stubborn all-giving seventeen year old girl. Edward Cullen, an immortal, beautiful, vegetarian vampire. Put them in the same book and mix in a little plot and ideas... and hallelujah! Twilight!

Now, I’m not flaming the Twilight series or Stephenie Meyer (I’m a huge fan myself) but I guess you could say I liked it better when we were all peace and quiet.

Seriously, have you seen what people have come up with? Edward Cullen action figure? Twilight perfume? And that’s not even the beginning. I could write a book (They’ve made a Robert Pattison one by the way (The guy who plays Edward Cullen) and it’s surprising that it’s actually selling.)

Yes, Robert Pattison, if you happened to accidently stumble across this blog, I’m sorry to say I don’t keep a picture of you under my pillow. I’m just not that obsessed.

People, don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not trying to lure you away from the Twilight books. In fact, I strongly suggest you pick one up now and start from the beginning. I’m just trying to not let the Twilight fans scare you away or put you off. You won’t transform into one of them if you’re strong enough.

Twilight fans. I admire your ability, I really do. You have to have a lot of courage and opinion to feel so strongly about something. But I’m just saying, don’t follow the flock. Just because you want to be a part of the crowd, doesn’t mean you have to be crazy about it. Your best friend’s, boyfriend’s sister may be your twilight rival (you compete about the amount of your life you spent thinking about twilight), but you have to take it slow.

I think the movies brought some new found fans. Fans, who, when you ask them about their opinion on Aro, they say: “Aro? Where’s that?”

Live your life. Enjoy the books, but don’t spend every minute sighing over them.

Let’s see a show of hands over who disagrees or agrees... actually, that’s not such a good idea. You should comment instead :D

Stay cool



  1. I read twilight in 2004, so i guess im not one of those fans.

  2. You lie lucy............ u read it last year. I'm apart of the Blue group on the poll.
